Aktentasche Businesstasche Laptoptasche Ledertasche Bürotasche Unitasche Braun Leder

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119,95 € * inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
Geschenkverpackung verfügbar

Dieser Lederliebling kann als Geschenk verpackt werden.

  • 2B59-20-5wp 2B59-20-5wp


Passend zu Fynn
18,95 €
54,95 €



Abmessungen (B x H x T):
38 x 27 x 9 cm
Hergestellt in :
150 + Mitarbeiter
Vollnarbiges Büffelleder, Anilinleder, mit Öl und Wachs fertiggestellt
Eigene Gerberei:
13", 15"
Besondere Eigenschaften:
Wasserfestes Polycotton
Gusti Leder studio
80 bis 140 cm

Deine neue Unitasche - der zeitlose, klassische "Fynn"

  • echtes Leder
  • 1 Hauptfach mit diversen Innenfächern
  • Platz für Geräte bis 15", Dokumente und Mappen bis DIN A4, Notizbuch, Federmappe, Lunchpaket, Trinkflasche uvm.
  • mit Reißverschluss, Innenfutter aus wasserfestem Polycotton
  • mit zwei Handgriffen sowie abnehm- und längenverstellbaren Trageriemen

Deine neue Unitasche - der zeitlose, klassische "Fynn"

  • echtes Leder
  • 1 Hauptfach mit diversen Innenfächern
  • Platz für Geräte bis 15", Dokumente und Mappen bis DIN A4, Notizbuch, Federmappe, Lunchpaket, Trinkflasche uvm.
  • mit Reißverschluss, Innenfutter aus wasserfestem Polycotton
  • mit zwei Handgriffen sowie abnehm- und längenverstellbaren Trageriemen

Stylish on the go – with the “Fynn” briefcase you will attract everyone’s attention!

We present: "Fynn" - your new leather favorite. Whether for university, work or everyday use: "Fynn" impresses in every situation because it has everything you would expect from a briefcase: In addition to a compartment for your 15" laptop, Fynn has many other compartments in which you can store pads, reports and books, as well as various chargers, notebooks and the like, your pencil case, essentials such as wallet, smartphone, but also water bottle and keys. - simply everything you should have with you on a business trip. Thanks to the wide zippers, you can get to all the things you need in no time. And if you do want to shoulder the bag, that's no problem either, because "Fynn" has two handles and a removable carrying strap that you can adjust to the length that suits you.

Vintage, casual and always on trend!

"Fynn" combines functionality and style - just right for laid-back personalities who are relaxed and yet have everything under control. The high-quality buffalo leather ensures ensures a pleasant feel, a professional impression and a competent appearance and is therefore ideal for business travelers and students who want to appear serious but not too basic or "smooth". Real personalities - like you!

Our products are manufactured in facilities that meet strict environmental and labor standards. This supports an industry that values ​​responsible business practices and underscores our commitment to sustainability and ethics.

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Stylish on the go – with the “Fynn” briefcase you will attract everyone’s attention!

We present: "Fynn" - your new leather favorite. Whether for university, work or everyday use: "Fynn" impresses in every situation because it has everything you would expect from a briefcase: In addition to a compartment for your 15" laptop, Fynn has many other compartments in which you can store pads, reports and books, as well as various chargers, notebooks and the like, your pencil case, essentials such as wallet, smartphone, but also water bottle and keys. - simply everything you should have with you on a business trip. Thanks to the wide zippers, you can get to all the things you need in no time. And if you do want to shoulder the bag, that's no problem either, because "Fynn" has two handles and a removable carrying strap that you can adjust to the length that suits you.

Vintage, casual and always on trend!

"Fynn" combines functionality and style - just right for laid-back personalities who are relaxed and yet have everything under control. The high-quality buffalo leather ensures ensures a pleasant feel, a professional impression and a competent appearance and is therefore ideal for business travelers and students who want to appear serious but not too basic or "smooth". Real personalities - like you!

Our products are manufactured in facilities that meet strict environmental and labor standards. This supports an industry that values ​​responsible business practices and underscores our commitment to sustainability and ethics.

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Stylish on the go – with the “Fynn” briefcase you will attract everyone’s attention!

We present: "Fynn" - your new leather favorite. Whether for university, work or everyday use: "Fynn" impresses in every situation because it has everything you would expect from a briefcase: In addition to a compartment for your 15" laptop, Fynn has many other compartments in which you can store pads, reports and books, as well as various chargers, notebooks and the like, your pencil case, essentials such as wallet, smartphone, but also water bottle and keys. - simply everything you should have with you on a business trip. Thanks to the wide zippers, you can get to all the things you need in no time. And if you do want to shoulder the bag, that's no problem either, because "Fynn" has two handles and a removable carrying strap that you can adjust to the length that suits you.

Vintage, casual and always on trend!

"Fynn" combines functionality and style - just right for laid-back personalities who are relaxed and yet have everything under control. The high-quality buffalo leather ensures ensures a pleasant feel, a professional impression and a competent appearance and is therefore ideal for business travelers and students who want to appear serious but not too basic or "smooth". Real personalities - like you!

Our products are manufactured in facilities that meet strict environmental and labor standards. This supports an industry that values ​​responsible business practices and underscores our commitment to sustainability and ethics.


Warum können wir unsere Produkte so günstig anbieten?

Die Preise unserer Lederprodukte sind fair, konsistent und transparent. Unser systematischer Ansatz bei der Preisgestaltung ermöglicht es uns, Produkte zu einem günstigen Preis anzubieten. Die interne Herstellung einiger unserer Produkte, die Verwendung kostengünstiger Verpackungsmaterialien, die Minimierung der Logistikkosten durch den Aufbau eines eigenen Logistikzentrums und verschiedene andere Faktoren haben uns geholfen, einen angemessenen Verkaufspreis für unsere breite Palette an Lederprodukten festzulegen. Unser Ziel ist es, dass du immer die beste Qualität zum besten Preis erhältst, denn wir möchten, dass unser Lederprodukt zu deinem Liebling wird.

Warum können wir unsere Produkte so günstig anbieten?

Die Preise unserer Lederprodukte sind fair, konsistent und transparent. Unser systematischer Ansatz bei der Preisgestaltung ermöglicht es uns, Produkte zu einem günstigen Preis anzubieten. Die interne Herstellung einiger unserer Produkte, die Verwendung kostengünstiger Verpackungsmaterialien, die Minimierung der Logistikkosten durch den Aufbau eines eigenen Logistikzentrums und verschiedene andere Faktoren haben uns geholfen, einen angemessenen Verkaufspreis für unsere breite Palette an Lederprodukten festzulegen. Unser Ziel ist es, dass du immer die beste Qualität zum besten Preis erhältst, denn wir möchten, dass unser Lederprodukt zu deinem Liebling wird.

So wird Dein Lederliebling produziert
Bei Gusti Leder steht neben hoher Produktqualität vor allem Eines im Vordergrund: Transparenz! Schon bei der Gründung war es unserem CEO Christian Pietsch wichtig, den Themen Leder und Produktion in Indien mit Realismus und Ehrlichkeit zu begegnen.
Bei Gusti Leder steht neben hoher Produktqualität vor allem Eines im Vordergrund: Transparenz! Schon bei der Gründung war es unserem CEO Christian Pietsch wichtig, den Themen Leder und Produktion in Indien mit Realismus und Ehrlichkeit zu begegnen.

Gewusst? Wir testen unser Leder

Datum des letzten Tests:
Chromium VI
nicht erkannt
Leather Certificate Image
gusti-leder.de Reviews with ekomi.de
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gusti-leder.de Reviews with ekomi.de